
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The "wild wild" west

It all flashed in my mind while reading Purba’s post about stereotyping. How do people around the world recognize us, Indians with absolutely no difficulty at all? Have you ever given it a thought? Given the fact that we are a billion people, with at least a million different ethnic group and culture, caste, color, creed and etc. etc. People get to know that a person is Indian within no time. Not because of our physical appearance or lexis, I think it is because of the behavioral competencies that we all possess. Be it good or bad, but it is true.

Just brood over these things. These are some of the exclusively patented Indian essentials, which no one else can even envisage in their wildest dreams. Naming your pet dog or cat as “Tiger”. Assume the freedom to spit and shit anywhere and everywhere. Call someone in the wee hours and ask if you were sleeping.

 On the Contrary, my boss in US, who has adopted a dog because he’s got no kids (Yes! It is true), carries a plastic bag with him whenever he takes the dog out for a walk, just to dispose the shit off in case the dog shits in public place. Once he called me when I was on vacation and literally apologized to me for having to ask about official work while I was on vacation. How many of us Indians do this?
I’m not getting into blame game and start off comparing Indian managers (I know they are under tremendous pressure to be bad) or question their customs and habits. But it just makes me think. What we need to learn from west is this: Love and care for things around you. Not their awkward junk food habits from KFC and Big M or hopeless fashion statements of girls or guys’ low waist jeans with undies visible. I hate to say this and we never accept this fact; but Indians (Well, most of us) are the most self centered, selfish creatures on this planet. He who said that egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity must have said it after his visit to India. But I know that I can’t put the whole blame on us alone. On the other hand, see Gods too are fond of jokes. Look at the way Gods have balanced the socio-physical disparity in the world. He gave Indians big brains. But instead of using it for the big purposes, we use it, most of the time only to wonder why Africans have big dicks and no brains. I’m surprised by the rapidity at which we are changing the “Indian”ness in us and inheriting the unwanted elements of western culture.

 Why are we forgetting the great musical heritage of India and inserting a holy piece of western shit called rap in every goddamn Indian song? Why are the junk and unhealthy pizzas gaining more popularity than the good parathas ? Why is the divorce rate on the rise? Why are Indians spending so much on things that they can’t even afford? If an Indian can stop himself from shitting in public places in Singapore, why can’t he do it in India? If you can follow lane discipline in interstate expressways of USA, why are you not doing it here?

 FYI, in reality west was nonexistent just 500 years ago. And here we are; leaving the legacy of our own 8000 year old customs and traditions and imitating them in all possible way and becoming heir to western nonsense. Whatte a tragic irony..! Instead of unwanted things, for a change, keeping the “wild wild west” at bay, why can’t we adapt something good from them?  Let us inherit car pooling from west. Let us adapt their love and care for the neighborhood. Let’s learn to respect the system. Let us practice to follow the rules everywhere. Let us get a feel for cleanliness. Above all, let us start behaving as humans. What say..?

Image courtesy: and


  1. luvd ur blog! each word of it is true! but india is a country of a billion ppl and by the time our ppl get a mindset like tht i think its gonna take another 8000 yrs! its sad but anyway we all know truth is bitter most of the times..

  2. @shreyas: Thank you :). Yes! true. It's a tragic irony. If this continues, India will go through the same state of crisis that west is experiencing now
