The digital extravaganza has been an overkill of late. It
looked like it is an opportunity, during the lockdown, to fill the gap with
whatever you were doing when you could go out. During office, end of day meant
530pm, or even if we pushed it by an hour, I would surely unplug at 630 or 7pm,
considering the traffic shenanigans. The luxury of work from home did not
impose that restriction, so I was on my own in completing everyday tasks. I was
starting an hour late, thanks to Ramayan, I was taking Mahabharat break every
day for an hour and when I was not in any meeting, I would sit with my laptop in
front of television and continue working. Initial few months of lockdown felt
so good, that I started imagining televisions in office so that work is not stressful
at all. But gradually, Mahabharat and Ramayan on television ended and my own Ramayan
started. I got bored being inside four walls. Series binging with dad also came
to an end. I had no time to read amidst the work. I started dedicating some
time for my religious observances. Even though this was rewarding, this didn’t last
Uninstall Facebook WhatsApp Instagram
Even though life was slowly getting back to normal, with
every new thing I was trying to do, I was spending more time with electronics
and mobile phone. By the end of Oct, I realized that I was addicted to Twitter,
WhatsApp, Insta, FB, Netflix, HOTSTAR and all other OTTs I had access to. With no
walk/run/gym and lunch and dinner served to me on my laptop table, an
unexplained lethargy had kicked in. I added screen-time for the apps. But even
after the limit was reached, I was craving to turn it off and spending more
time on SM. This was an indicator that I had to get out of it. I was struggling
to find a window of time that feels right for you to unplug and do a digital
detox, because I was in front of laptop for better part of the day. WhatsApp
web was a possibility now. And twitter tab was always open! For almost a month,
although it did not affect my day to day office work, with SM and office work
together, I ended up sitting in front of laptop for a good 12 hours a day. At
the back of my mind, I always knew, I can’t do this for long and I was sure I
can spend “that” time constructively, doing something better. The motivation that
‘reading more, writing more, spending gala time with family’ – are all better
options than spending time on SM - was always there. But when I tried chalking
out a plan to get out of it, I didn’t know where to start, how to proceed,
which ones to keep and what to delete. It was all muddled and I was caught in
the SM web. Trust me, Digital detox isn’t so easy, unless you plan it and more
importantly, prepare your mind!
Mark Zuckerberg stating "The future is private" |
While I was almost on the verge of dropping the idea of
Digital Detox, Mr. Zuckerberg has come to my rescue, like a blessing in
disguise. His new privacy policy and updated terms & conditions, which has
created outrage globally, has in fact motivated me to take a digital detox!. Adding fuel to the fire, the new terms by Zuki, is shocking!
Come on, using your financial transaction data, monitoring your approximate location
24/7 in-spite of location services turned OFF, selling your data to all FB
companies; outrageous and I would call it despicable too! If he really did
think this is the only way to do justice to his 21 billion $ WhatsApp deal and
generate revenue, I don’t trust any of his products at all. Besides, the
targeted ad is just the beginning. This is going to open a pandora’s box of the
shadier possibilities of what could be done to the world with data.
Digital Detox |
Also, imagine the benefits of deleting your FB-Insta-WhatsApp
accounts. With all your friend’s friend, who is not even your common friend or
acquaintance’s whereabouts and his/her information popping up on your wall, your
FB timeline is just a bunch of suggested videos with ads and twitter snapshots.
Arghh! It has long lost its good old sheen! Honestly, Facebook has become so irksome.
I am keeping FB active only because it is a perfect platform to share my blog
posts to 500+ people at once. Nothing more!
While WhatsApp forwards can save a few tens of gigs of data
and a couple of hours, WhatsApp Status can save you remaining 22 hours. My uncle,
who in his entire life has not watched a half time of a football match, updates
his status with the hashtags #RipMaradona #SoccerLegend. I’ll not have to
tolerate such nauseating sycophancy anymore. Although Instagram wasn’t this
painful for long, the reels, are really waste of time. [Confession: I’ll really
miss Dr. Richa Negi’s refreshing dancing groove videos on Instagram.**winks**]
I believe the best way to beat the quintessential social
establishment and protect our privacy is to stop invading other’s privacy. And
above all, the true evaluation of whether any privacy expectations are reasonable
or not can never be assessed on any Social Media application. This is exactly why
I am happy to be getting rid of FaceBook, Insta and WhatsApp.
Data Wars |
Whether Zuki takes it back owing to public outcry or not, whether
my friends like it or not, whether my cousins miss me on SM or not, I have
decided to delete my FB-WA-Insta accounts permanently. I’ll keep twitter for my
rants and Signal for my instant messaging needs. PERIOD. I can totally live
without the rest. And I strongly believe it is the need of the hour too! When wrong
people without morals and ethics; without concerns; without the sense of what’s
fair and what’s not, get access to our data, they will always gain
an advantage over the rest of us, until we decide to put an end to it. So, the
onus is on every one of us!
Well, what do you think of my decision? WhatsApp… errrr… Call me! Let’s start to socialize the real, good old way!
Image credits: Google