While driving back home on the 11th of Mar,
little did I expect that I would be locked inside my house for the next 30+
days. Since then, a month has gone by and it already seems like eternity. The
worrying trends from across the globe, those horrifying videos from Italy and
NYC has forced many armchair thinkers to change the way they look at life. Aam
junta like me are no exception. I too have a few experiences from this lock-down.
This COVID-19 lock-down has not just exposed my own inabilities and not
possessing (m)any of the basic survival skills, it has also changed a few
perceptions that I believed to be true for long time.
When lock-down started, I thought it is a good opportunity to
catch up with all my pending reading. This lock-down forced me to do a few
things by self and I miserably failed in doing simple tasks. Firstly, my
sincere efforts to make a cup of coffee even
after reading the instructions on Nescafe sachet went haywire. Secondly, since
house maid was also in lock-down, we decided to share chores amongst ourselves and
do our own dishes. And I was getting into
a brawl with even smallest of the utensils while doing the dishes. I did
some temporary arrangement for the wasted RO water to be collected and use it
to wipe the floor. But my wife put the task on me *sobs uncontrollably*. I took
hours to wipe the floor with a mop which my maid did in 10 min without it. I
realized I couldn’t do even the simplest of the chores at home. I started feeling
like a civilized Neanderthal. I have not taken a shave since a month; so, I
also look like one *adding to the effects*.
On one hand, COVID-19 deaths increased exponentially which led
to the extension of lock-down period and on the other, I was feeling ashamed at
my own incompetence of not being able to make even a cup of coffee for myself. I
decided to catch up on the pending reading later. I realized I must up the ante
and get better at stewardship at home, for my own good. I am at it now and in
the past 20+ days, I’m still at square one, but the intriguing lessons learnt
are worth sharing.
Household chores
are easy is a myth
I always had this perception that household chores are easy
as they neither require brains nor a great physical effort and that they are
routine and mundane tasks. Only when I saw my mother and wife doing the dishes
so flawlessly and effortlessly, I realized I was wrong. It is certainly not a
mundane task. It is a three-dimensional art with time, accuracy and water conservation
as its dimensions. The same goes with doing the dishes/ mopping/cleaning. I realized that all household chores can be mastered only
with practice. Household chores is easy is a presumption of stupidity.
You can survive
with just Doordarshan

More importantly and surprisingly, by Indian standards, DD News has remained a
news channel. They are ethical, news readers put forth the actual news without
any exaggeration and let the viewers decide. On DD News, dolts do not read
tarot cards, there are no resentment filled debates, they do not run
Homeopathy helpline and Asian sky shop programs. More importantly, dimwits
and lamebrains do not predict the future of this country. So, I have decided to
stick to DD news for news and watch private news channels for entertainment.
Watch DD News for a week. Trust me; you’ll concur.
Home cooked food can
do wonders
After I entered corporate world, there was never a time I
did not suffer from GERD. With my office canteen food, my burps are so strong
that I’m sure if converted to energy, it would work wonders; thanks to the
adulteration levels even in simple Idly and sambar. Eno and Digene are always
on my travel checklist and are always stocked up. Even though Ayurveda helped
me keep it at bay for some days, my coffee addiction has always made burps an
integral part of my life.
But since last 30+ days of lock-down, we’re washing veggies more
carefully than ever, thanks to the disturbing behavior of single source event
attendees. I am eating healthy, home cooked food and zero junk food because the junk food in supermarkets are selling like hotcakes. I would be lying if I say stopped eating junk food. After
seeing the panipuri pics all over the SM as if people are celebrating April as
National Panipuri month, I was tempted too. But even that is homemade. *winks*.
This has worked wonders for me. To my own surprise, my acidity, burps, GERD
induced chest pain and every other symptom of hyper acidity is gone. Thanks to
COVID-19 lock-down for instilling in me, the amazing benefits of eating freshly
cooked food. Not just eat healthy, eat fresh is a very big lesson for me, that I’ll
try to stick to.
There are other pleasant changes that this lock-down has made
possible. Our entire family is spending quality time together. We are watching TV and dining together after ages. Dad and I are watching Roger Moore’s bond
movies together, with him recalling his good old days. I am reminding my mom to monitor her blood glucose levels regularly. My
credit card statements are at its lowest, which has also made me think of
spending carefully on unwanted luxuries. Whataybaby is happy that “appa corona
no aapees”. In other words, covid-19 has made a lot of things possible, which were even otherwise possible, but, meddled in the mediocrity of our own lives, we just didn't find it necessary. Especially us, Bangaloreans, have that one reason for all our hopeless time management skills, "Traffic jam". It's time we learn to manage time, prioritize what is important, draw a line between professional and personal urgency and start giving importance to spending quality time with family, at least occasionally.
When I read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, “Long Walk to
Freedom”, I couldn’t connect on an emotional level with his 27 years in Prison.
But now, I cannot even fathom his struggle. Imagine being locked up inside a jail on a
remote island for so long! Here I am, locked in for 30 days and every day seems
like another race to be won. I am still trying to cling to some form of
normalcy hoping all this ends soon and we can get out, buy stuff, get back to office,
hit gym, go on long drives and to be ourselves. But looking at the increasing
numbers, it is still a dream.
I like this dream; dream of freedom. Hope it becomes a
reality soon!